Joytokey V5 2 1 Incl Serial Full Duplex카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 15. 06:25
This configuration is based on the default key bindings for Sword of the Stars: The Pit.Every function from the base game and DLC are accessible using only the controller except PRINTSCREEN.1). Download a copy of JoyToKey (either version 3.7.x free or 5.2.x Shareware)2). Extract the files from the archive (use winrar or your chosen archive extraction utility).3). Using Windows Explorer, Navigate to the folder you extracted JoyToKey into.4). Start JoyToKey.exe5).
Joytokey V5 2 1 Incl Serial Full Duplex Wiring
Create a new game profile and call it ThePit (or whatever you like).6). Exit JoyToKey7). In Windows Explorer, right-click the file ThePIt.cfg (extensions need to be visible or it will just say ThePit) and select Open With and choose notepad.8). Copy the contents of the JoyToKey Config detail from the Guide into this file.9).
Joytokey V5 2 1 Incl Serial Full Duplex Pc
Save the file.10). Start JoyToKey and enjoy the configuration or adjust to suit personal tastes.Mappings can be found in the Cheat Sheet section of this Guide.