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    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 7. 09:31

    I have recently joined AA and i can't bileave how much my life is changing. I staqrted drinking over twenty five years ago. I think it all began when i was in my twneties. I was trying to cope with living with undiagnosed epilepsy. Drinking was the only thing that could get me through the panic attaics.

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    Eventualy when i was thirty, i was diagnosed with epilepsy. I started playing the piano again and giving charity concerts with orchestras. For a few years i managed to control my drinking up to a point, but three years ago, it just began to get more out of control again. My last binge lasted for over two years. It was really frightning because i didn't know if i had the strength to fight this addiction and recover from this diseas. I just feel so lucky that i'm now well on the road to recovery. I think that AA and this program is amazing and it's really helping me.

    Tokugawa Corporate Forums • View topic - PC-8801 color. Tokugawa Corporate Forums. I've been tinkering with PC-88 style graphics for a project and I was under the impression that most games.

    I still can't bileave that i just don't enjoy drinking anymore. I' am now working on a new album and i'm preparing for my first concert in ten years. The concert will be in September. If any of you enjoy the piano, and music in general, i'll keep you posted. I just wanted to share this/ ken.

    Hello Ken You have found the right place. Nice to welcome another Brit.You have said exactly what i feel. AA is brillant it is turning my life around for good. If someone had told me i wouldn't ever need a drink again i would never have believed them. Isn't life great with AA good luck with your music your one of the lucky ones you do something for a living that you love. All The Best Kathyanne Remember keep coming back. Forums Contributor Posts: 200 Joined: Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:13 am Location: England.

    The program of Alcoholics Anonymous is NOT used in 98% rehab centers, so far as I know. There are other, non-12-Step programs available. For instance, one 'Evidence Based Program for Substance Abuse' which can be accessed online, practically 'guarantees' quick and easy non-12-Step recovery from substance abuse for a neat and tidy sum.

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    'Financing and Financial Aid is Available. With an approval from our outside, third party finance company, guests can enter our program simply by paying the $1,000 non-refundable down payment to reserve a bed,' they say.

    A.A.: $0.00 No matter how much one can afford to pay to be rid of the terror and demoralization of alcoholism, some will never recover, 12 Steps or no steps. And perhaps some will enjoy lasting continuous sobriety without A.A. How is all of this measurable?

    You have prospects or patients or clients who, by the very nature of their maladies, are pretty much incapable of being rigorously honest about anything. You have businessmen and women who have turned the compassionate act of carrying the message of recovery into a gazillion dollar corporate enterprise all across this country. Where there is one person's misery there is another's opportunity. I happen to have been fortunate enough to find A.A. Before I killed myself or someone else.

    I have a small bit of wisdom to share with others so that they might make progress today within the program. There are lots of non-believers, countless bitter outsiders who don't 'get it' and, sadder still, who don't 'want to get it.' If a new person posts on this forum today and says 'I have nine days of sobriety, I'm pretty shaky, but I have a sponsor and I'm willing' then I may have something to contribute so that this person might see tomorrow. And not a dime goes into my pocket. We are such a litigious society, always looking for warranties and guarantees. We have none in this life. We get an allotment of days to spend in gratitude and in awe of our limited time here, or we can p.ss it away mocking and jeering at those who want to try A.A.


    If you want a warranty or a guarantee, buy a dishwasher. (For a small price you can extend that warranty.) marietta. Just wanted to say aa has changed my life also. I checked myself into a treatment center for the first time after a 2 yr binge and almost dying when I tried to self detox. I was truly hopeless and saw no hope at all. While the treatment center was wonderful, it was the AA meetings they put me in that saved me and transformed my alcohol drenched mind and near dead soul. I am so very grateful for this program.

    I returned home 3 days ago and haven't found any meetings near me that are really good yet but I'll keep searching and now that I've found this place I'll be here often Bless you all Forums Newcomer Posts: 3 Joined: Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:53 pm.

    In a recent thread on another subforum, one of our resident Beatles experts, Jake Kety, listed 'I Need You' from The Beatles' 'Help!' LP as a 12-string song. It's hard to tell with the volume swells, but it does indeed sound to me like George Harrison's famous 360/12. Each chord has a natural chorus that practically screams 12-string!

    Perhaps that's why Tom Petty chose to cover the tune on a Guild acoustic 12-string on the 'Concert for George': Anyone have any new reflections on this? Robert Advanced Member Posts: 1605 Joined: Sat Jan 02, 2010 2:23 pm. Thanks, Wolfgang. I probably should have done a comprehensive search before posting this thread. The reason I posted, though, was that at first I was a bit skeptical that the lead guitar on 'I Need You' was a 12-string. It was only after listening and relistening to the chorus created by those octave and unison strings that I finally concluded that Jake was right.

    I'll have to give another listen to 'Yes it Is' (haven't heard it for many years) to make an assessment on that one. Advanced Member Posts: 1605 Joined: Sat Jan 02, 2010 2:23 pm.

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